Areas of expertise
Commercial-Corporate Law, Banking Law, Inheritance Law, Insolvency-Consolidation Law
Greek, English, French, Spanish
University of Athens, Law School (LL.B 2014)
University of Athens, M.Sc International Law Studies, 2015
(Scholar of the State Scholarships Foundation for Bachelor)
University of Athens, Law School - Master Degree in Civil Law (LL.M 2016)
University of Piraeus - M.Sc Financial and Legal Framework of Money and Capital Markets (2017)
(Scholar of "Alexandros S. Onassis" Foundation for studies in Financial Law)
(Scholarship of Excellence of University of Piraeus for studies in Financial Law)
University of Athens, Law School, Unified Postgraduate Program "Companies and Financing" (LL.M. 2018)
(Scholar of Athens Law School for the Unified Postgraduate Program "Companies and Financing")
George Kefalas is partner of the law firm.
The Compensation of Board Members in the Corporation and the Possibility of Judicial Limitation
The 'Privileges' from the Designation of the Debtor as Vulnerable
Appeal against the Bankrupt's Discharge - Some Thoughts Based on the First Decisions of the Courts
The fate of the property lease after the auction - The possibilities of the successful bidder
The Seizure of Intangible Securities (shares, bonds, etc.) to satisfy Lender's Claim
The Shareholders' Defence in case of mismanagement in the Private Company (IKE)
The Recent Changes in the Extrajudicial Debt Settlement Mechanism of the law. 4738/2020
The content of the Resolution Agreement: settlement possibilities with the Public Entities
The Suspension of Enforcement in the Case of an Application to the Out-of-Court Mechanism
The Secrets of the New Out-of-Court Debt Settlement Mechanism Through 14 Answers
Cancellation of the Seizure due to Abuse
The Shareholder's Right to Information in the S.A.
The Right to carry out an Extraordinary Audit of the SA.
The annulment of a bank payment order following an opposition by a borrower
The Calculation of the Value of the Outgoing or Excluded Partner's Interest in a Partnership
Criteria for Debt Settlement under the New Extra-Judicial Mechanism of Law 4738/2020
The partner's right of exit in partnerships
The New Out-of-Court Mechanism of Law 4738/2020
The Condition of the Lenders' Intent to Harm in Fraud
The Tax Framework of Corporate Transformations after Law No. 4601/2019
The New Institutional Framework for Corporate Transformation
Invalidity of a will due to lack of conscience or mental or intellectual disorder of the testator
Cancellation of the Seizure due to Abuse
Possibilities of Disinheritance after the statutory Acceptance of the Inheritance
Invalidity of a Will due to Contrary to Good Morals